Zen And Romance
Author: Dr. Brenda Shoshanna
The art of romance and the art of Zen are actually very similar. By romance we mean the feeling of love, happiness, joy and delight in just waking up in the morning. We mean being able to be excited about our day, our lives and the people we meet along the way. This is usually the way we feel when we are with or have met someone we particularly care for who cares for us that way as well.
Your Most Important Appointment
Author: Maria Gracia
An appointment is simply a mutual agreement to meet with someone at a specific time.
Your Husband's JOB!
Author: Lynn Burrow
What does your husband do for a living? Are you proud of what he does or are you ashamed? Do you make more money than he does and is that an issue in your relationship?
Your Fat Cells are Listening
Author: Carol Tuttle
Whatever you focus on multiplies. Your thoughts are energy, your words are energy and your emotions are energy. At a quantum level we are all just a big bundle of energy.
Author: Hifzur Rehman
Yes, it is true, you are beautiful beyond any doubt.
Working Mums - a Lighter View!
Author: Lyn Prowse-Bishop, MVA
“Why are you so thin? You look so tired all the time,” I hear my mum say for the umpteenth time. “I don’t know… you girls today. In our day, we just coped! None of these Day Care Centres and nannies and what not! I had three kids under 3” blah blah blah.
Women of Power Spread Their Wings
Author: Doug Stevenson
There were three men and three women at the Story Theater Retreat in Colorado Springs last weekend – a nice balance of energies. Each of the six participants came to develop their stories for presentation to a business audience. Interestingly enough, two of the female participants shared a common malady.
Author: Cathy Garger, Personal Certified Coach
Many women are now going through challenging times fraught with upheavals of life as we know it. I’m not sure what, exactly, is going on… Is it the economy, or the state of affairs around the globe? Is it the media that has, in rapid speed, expanded our "real" world, giving us perhaps more courage to be who we "real-ly" are? Could it be that in our post 9/11 world, we’re making each day count a little bit more than we used to? Or is it simply that most of the women I know are “coming of age”, coming into their own, becoming their “own persons“ like never before?
Why More Women Should Consider a Career in Computer Programming
Author: V. Berba Velasco Jr., Ph.D.
Everyone knows that computer programming is a heavily male-dominated field. I think this is unfortunate. Over the years, I've come to conclude that there is a great deal that women can contribute to this field.
Why Isn’t He Ready to Get Married?
Author: Mars Venus
Why Isn’t He Ready to Get Married?
Why is my Match still Searching?
Author: Mars Venus
Why is my Match still Searching?
Why He May Be Cheating On You
Author: Monica M. Burns
Why He May Be Cheating On You
where are you Women?
Author: Joseph Ghabi
Do you agree that in this world we are driving into a dead end? Do you see yourself and your life stagnating? Do you feel the world has already reached the point of being at a stand still and that it is just sitting waiting to blow any minute? This world cannot take any more of the effect of man’s energy when all it focuses on is power, money, greed and more power. Don’t you agree?
where are you Women?
Author: Joseph Ghabi
Do you agree that in this world we are driving into a dead end? Do you see yourself and your life stagnating? Do you feel the world has already reached the point of being at a stand still and that it is just sitting waiting to blow any minute? This world cannot take any more of the effect of man’s energy when all it focuses on is power, money, greed and more power. Don’t you agree?
What You Must Know If You’re Taking a Cruise
Author: Susan Dunn, Personal and Professional Development Coach
Being a coach, I speak on cruises. I took my first cruise about 4 years ago. I asked a friend who’d cruised a lot what I needed to know and she said, “Nothing. Just have fun.” I disagree. Having cruised many times since then, I’d like to pass on some tips I wish someone had told me, to help you enjoy your cruise more.
What do you need to let go?
Author: Sharina Alongi Adkins, MSA
Spring-cleaning is such a wonderful way to restore energy to a home. Clothes, toys, and other material goods that no longer fit our bodies or our minds have no place crowding our closets. I am very nostalgic by nature, so boxing up my things to throw or give away is always difficult for me. I know that I do save a lot of things for my children since my own parents saved almost nothing from my childhood. When I do clean our closets and take the boxes of nice old stuff to our local homeless shelter or hospital thrift store, I feel a rush of new energy.
What Do Men Want?
Author: Bob Grant, L.P.C.
What do men want from women? Actually, it’s pretty simple. Deep inside the heart of every man is a secret wish to be trusted. How many times have men said to their wives, “If you would just trust me.” Many men wonder why it seems so difficult for their wives to do something so seemingly simple. The answer stems from the physiological differences between the sexes.
What are you creating?
Author: Jo Ball
What are you creating? Money from work you love: love in a soul-mate relationship, peace and harmony around us; a stronger sense of who you are; inner wisdom and personal power; a confident, thriving family; improved health; a stronger sense of community; care for the environment?
Warrior's Need Eve
Author: Steve Kemp
5 “When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.“ Deuteronomy 24:6
Warrior's Need Eve
Author: Steve Kemp
5 “When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.“ Deuteronomy 24:6
Use your senses to create a sacred home
Author: Lorraine Aho
Your home is a shelter, a safe haven and a place to hang your hat. It is also a reflection of your soul, of who you are and what you value. Your home should be a sanctuary where you can feel nurtured and refreshed. Coco Chanel was fond of saying, "An interior is the natural projection of the soul." Creating your own sacred space in your home is as easy as using your five senses, sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Follow along as we tour your home and show you five easy ways to begin creating your sacred home today.
Understanding Diabetes
Author: David Chandler
To manage diabetes, it helps to understand how it affects your body. In healthy people, the body turns food into glucose (blood sugar) to use for energy. Insulin, produced by the pancreas, is the hormone responsible for shuttling glucose into the body's cells where it is either used right away or stored for later use. With diabetes, however, high levels of glucose build up in the blood because either the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin or the body can't use the insulin it produces. Your treatment will depend on which problem you have.
Tough life for stay-at-home moms?
Author: Dr. Laura Schlessinger
© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com
Top Ten List of Free Resource Information for New Business Owners
Author: Maria Marsala
OK. So you're ready to start your own business...be your own boss...or are you? Below is a list of places offering free information that will assist you on your path to starting a business. Consult phone books and web sites for local information. Remember to ask about any mailing lists, classes they offer or for additional contacts that would be helpful for you to add to this list. Enjoy this list as a guide as you "plant the seeds" for your new venture and enjoy the networking opportunities.
Top Ten 10 Steps to Selecting the Perfect Name for Your Business
Author: Debra Koontz Traverso
How important is the name of your business? The very first impression of your business will be derived from its name. The name is the quintessential element in your identity and image. If your business' name is cumbersome, self-serving, too lengthy, or confusing, you cannot achieve recall in your audience. Without recall, you will have no business. Need I say more?
Top Beauty Myths
Author: Tara Sabeti
I must admit, even I have fallen for some of these misconceptions. Before you fall into the trap of believing any of these beauty myths, we unravel the mysteries behind these common misconceptions.
Tooth Truth
Author: Lisa Raphael
Getting to the root cause of a physical symptom can be a lot like pulling teeth. In my case, it involved literally pulling a tooth….
Tips to Manage Stress
Author: Susan Creal, M.S.Ed
It’s Monday morning, the alarm screams in your ear, you jolt out of bed. You quickly shower, feed the cat, let the dog out, and try to convince your child he has to get up for school. You have an important presentation to give, so you get out your best suit. While putting your nylons on, you notice you have a run without an extra pair around and the pant suit you would have worn is still at the dry cleaners! This sets you back. You now have to stop at the store on the way to work to pick up a pair of hose! While putting on your suit, you rush to the kitchen to make breakfast. Your child is having a tantrum, your cell phone is ringing and you spill oatmeal all over your suit. What a way to start the week!!
Time to catch a baby!
Author: James Middleton
Time to catch a baby - By James Middleton
Time Management: Put Your Life In Focus
Author: Sheila Adams
I usually get a little off kilter during summer. School is out. Kids everywhere are under foot and looking for things to do. Vacation mode sets in, even if I didn't get to go anywhere. If you have kids and they're anything like mine, they are asking for rides everywhere. I spend a lot of my work time in my home office, and my kids like to think I'm an on-call taxi service. Their eyes glaze over when I try to explain for the umpteenth time how even though I work from home, I need to keep certain hours to take care of my business.
Time is of the Essense
Author: Lark Ireland
This Thanksgiving Be Thankful if You Have a Faithful Husband
Author: Ruth Houston
Infidelity is at an all time high. According to the latest statistics, 3 out of 4 husbands cheat on their wives. So if you have a faithful husband, you have much to be thankful for. Faithful husbands are in short supply. While most wives assume their husbands are faithful, only 1 wife in 4 can truthfully make that claim. An estimated 38 to 53 million women are victims of infidelity. Studies further indicate that 2/3 of the wives whose husbands are cheating on them (approximately 26 million women) have no idea their husbands are having an affair -- despite the presence of numerous telltale signs. In one study, over 65% of the cheating husbands admitted to having had more than one extramarital affair. With statistics like these, you can see why being married to a husband who isn’t cheating on you is something to be thankful for.
Things You Ought To Know First Before Undergoing Liposuction Surgery
Author: Charlene J. Nuble
According to the medical dictionary of Medline Plus, liposuction is the removal of excess body fat by suction with specialized surgical equipments, typically performed by a plastic surgeon.
The Second half of My Life
Author: Judy H. Wright
The Samaritan Woman
Author: Lynn Burrow
She came to the well to seek peace, comfort, and solitude. What she found was Jesus. The Bible says that Jesus had had a need to go through Samaria that day. And although His disciples had gone into town to buy food, Jesus had chosen to stay behind.
The Power In A Gathering Of Women
Author: Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE
Forget "fight or flight" as the only duo of responses in the face of stress. For women, there's a third response: "befriend". A landmark UCLA study turned five decades of stress research on its head with the revelation that a cascade of brain chemicals gives women a larger behavioral repertoire when confronted with stress. The hormone oxytocin is released as part of the stress response in women. It controls the fight/flight response and, instead, encourages her to tend children and gather with other women.
The Nanny Diaries: Lessons for the Small Business Owner
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
Nanny Diaries has achieved the dazzling height of Number One in book sales on amazon.com. The authors serve up delicious pseudo-gossipy scenes of a dysfunctional Park Avenue family, "Mr. and Mrs. X."
The Myth of Balance
Author: Alicia M. Rodriguez, M.A.
Balance is a myth. There, I said it out loud. To many a Coach, this is heresy. But let me say it again: there is no such thing as achieving balance in one's life. It cannot be done. Balance is a concept constructed as an ideal in theory, but as a self-defeating concept in reality. It allows us to be diminished because the standard by which we are comparing ourselves is unattainable. We are defeated before we begin. This is especially true for women who are culturally set up to fail by a society that demands we be perfect mothers, wives, executives, soccer moms, business owners and human beings – all at once.
The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Weight Loss
Author: Nancy Lonsdorf M.D.
Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Weight Loss:
The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Beauty and Skin Care
Author: Nancy Lonsdorf M.D.
Nancy Lonsdorf M.D.
The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Beauty and Skin Care
Author: Nancy Lonsdorf M.D.
Nancy Lonsdorf M.D.
The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Beauty and Skin Care
Author: Nancy Lonsdorf M.D.
The outer signs of beauty - your skin, hair and nails - are more than just superficial measures of beauty. They are direct reflections of your overall health. These outer tissues are created by the inner physiological processes involved in digestion, metabolism and proper tissue development. Outer beauty depends more on the strength of your digestion and metabolism, the quality of your diet, and the purity of your blood, than on external cleansers and conditioners you may apply.
The Innersense Game' for Life Guidance
Author: Lee Harris
Based on The Enlightenment Pack by Chuck Spezzano, and the work of Psychology of Vision, "The Innersense Game" is designed to help people unblock their lives, solve their problems and live in a happier more fulfilled way, in a psychology-based ‘reading’ format.
The Goddess
Author: Anja Heij
Although often depicted as a woman, she is none, and she is all of them. "I am every woman!" And every woman is the Goddess. She is the mystery of the life-giving and life-taking rhythm of nature, the great void and well of endless possibilities. She is the infinite bubbling up of inspiration, waiting to be fertilized by intent and focused action. She is the bow that shoots the arrow; that's why the goddess Diana/Artemis is also the huntress. She is the high priestess of the tarot, able to look behind the veil and sense hidden realities. She is the egg inside the womb, inviting selected spermatozoids to join her and create. She is passive action and eternal susceptibility.
The Essence of Peace lies within your HEART
Author: Susan M. Castle
We all sit in a circle and suppose while the secret sits in the center and Knows" Robert Frost.
The Childbearing Year
Author: Susun Weed
The childbearing year is a thirteen month year: the two months before conception, the nine months of pregnancy, and two months following the birth. The childbearing year is a time of change and an opportunity to grow, filled with rapid physical adjustments and fierce emotions. The childbearing year touches every season. My book [Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year] is about herbs for the childbearing year.
The Ayurveda Approach to Healthy Menopause and Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy
Author: Nancy Lonsdorf M.D.
The Archetypes of Female Midlife Crisis
Author: Sue Shellenbarger
"Long stereotyped as the province of men, today the midlife crisis is reported with greater frequency by women than men. Though the female midlife crisis travels many courses, WallStreet Journal Work-Life columnist Sue Shellenbarger found that most women's angst is propelled primarily by one powerful, repressed passion -- a part of oneself that begs for expression and reintegration. These archetypal drives -- Shellenbarger labels them the Lover, the Leader, the Adventurer, the Artist, the Seeker, and the Gardener -- reflect our core human capabilities to love, to create, and to learn." - Cover Notes
The Aliveness Experience: How fiercely alive are you?
Author: Nancy Mehegan
How Alive do you feel? What is your AQ or ALIVENESS QUOTIENT? Is it a 10? These were the questions raised by “The Aliveness Experience”, a program I stumbled upon on the Internet.
TenTips For Women with PMS
Author: Susun S Weed
Water retention, mood swings, sore breasts, and indigestion are problems experienced by many women in the week preceding menstruation. Here are a few tips from Susun Weed's best-selling book, NEW Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way (Alternatives for Women 30-90) to help ease these discomforts.
Author: Hifzur Rehman
Let us talk about beauty from a different angle!
Survival Guide For Holiday Parties
Author: Kim Beardsmore
If you have been watching your weight all year, you certainly won't want to add back the pounds during the holiday season! By making a commitment to yourself and your health, with these tips it will be possible to enjoy the holiday celebrations without adding extra pounds.
Stop Letting Social Security Disability Cheat You Out of the Benefits You Deserve
Author: Fire Foxx
After Mary's failed back surgery, her doctor told her he'd support her claim for disability. His eyes were comforting and Mary felt like she'd finally found someone who understood the pain she was in. She'd already gone through years of undiagnosed Fibromyalgia. Some days she even had sneaking thoughts of suicide- at least then it wouldn't hurt so much.
Stop Letting Social Security Disability Cheat You Out of the Benefits You Deserve
Author: Fire Foxx
After Mary's failed back surgery, her doctor told her he'd support her claim for disability. His eyes were comforting and Mary felt like she'd finally found someone who understood the pain she was in. She'd already gone through years of undiagnosed Fibromyalgia. Some days she even had sneaking thoughts of suicide- at least then it wouldn't hurt so much.
Stand Up to Shyness!
Author: Jane Powell, Meditations for Women
Is shyness stopping you from living fully and achieving your potential?
Stand Up For Your Rights
Author: Shelley Seitz
I'll always remember the slogan, "You've come a long way Baby". Yes, women have come a long way. In the job market, in politics, and even at home, women have taken on stronger, more prominent roles. However, fairness and respect are often just out if reach. I know how it feels to be treated unfairly. Even worse is the feeling that you're helpless to change the situation. How do you think it would feel to have someone there every time to stand up for your rights? In 1992 I was hospitalized due to a dog attack. As a result, I missed 6 weeks of work because I could not walk. I knew the owner of the dog and believed he was a nice guy so I only asked for reimbursement of my ,000 in hospital bills. He didn't pay me. For 8 years I went back and forth between being infuriated and feeling helpless while I tried to convince him to simply pay my hospital expenses. In December of 2000, I collected a check and an apology. What changed after 8 years? Simply, the "nice guy" received a letter from my attorney. That was all
Soul Mates
Author: Suz Andreasen
One of the most valuable truths in love is that you never know what you will find around the next corner. Try as we may to understand the peaks and valleys of romance, it seems that as humans, we inevitably end up scratching our heads. Fortunately, there is always hope and a deeper truth to be found in love's game. I think Woody Allen put is best when he wrote, "The heart is a very resilient little muscle."
Slimming Secrets From The Kitchen
Author: Janice Wee
Janice Wee
sista, granma, mum
Author: Donald G. Carty
The sun is rising over the quaint little one story home, waking and warming the cool night spirit to welcome the warmth and the colors of a new day. Against a pale blue sky, the moon and sun, switch their places above the shear white brush- -stroke-like clouds. The air is fresh and crisp.
SIGNS OF INFIDELITY - 21 Categories of Telltale Signs
Author: Ruth Houston
With infidelity reaching epidemic proportions, every woman should learn how to recognize the telltale signs of infidelity. The future of her relationship could depend on her ability to spot the telltale signs in time. In view of the rapidly rising divorce rates, and current statistics showing that 50% to 70% of men cheat on their mates, a wife can no longer afford to be the "last one to know."
SEX AND THE SOLITARY PERSON: Alternatives for Those Alone
Author: Lionel L. Fisher
I feel like Ken Kesey's Nurse Ratched each time I say it, but my dog Buddy is much easier to live with since his operation, the one that makes men cross their legs in painful commiseration. He’s still ninety pounds of rough-and-tumble Australian Shepherd, but the primordial drive to become Alpha Mutt has subsided along with his testosterone level. More mellow now, firmly in touch with his feminine side, he’s discovered a universal truth women know instinctively and men seldom concede:
Secrets Your Husband/Significant Other Don't Want You to Know
Author: Marie Magdala Roker
1. He Only Pretends Not to Listen.
Saving Time by Asking Why
Author: Maria Gracia
Once upon a time, a child stood and watched her mother prepare the annual holiday ham. The mother carefully cut each end off the ham before placing it in the pan.
Safety Tips For Women!
Author: Marie Clare
Safety should be the Number One Priority for Women! In my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" I provide tips on being safe on your first encounter with an Internet Dating friend. But really, women need to keep safety in mind whether you are out of town, in a hotel, in a car, at home or going for a walk. Safety should be your first concern. Try following the tips below to help keep yourself safe at all times.
Rock the Boat
Author: Coach Christen Murphy
Is there any area in your life that has stayed the same for so long that you are no longer challenged or experiencing joy or fun with it anymore? If so, what are you doing to make the situation better or different for yourself?
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Re-defining Success in Midlife
Author: Debra Betterly, Ph.D., CLC
When entering second adulthood, many women will begin a journey of re-defining personal and professional success for themselves. In midlife, success takes on a new meaning than it had in our 20’s and 30’s when it was most likely being defined more by others, the current culture, the past, hope or advertising. Our forming of new, revised, more authentic definitions of success are a reflection of our wiser, deeper, more experienced selves which sets us free to enjoy our life and work more completely because we are no longer defined or boxed in by outside influences. There is a sense of release from priorities that are no longer relevant or meaningful.
Reasons for a Prenuptial Agreement Before Your Second Marriage
Author: Jeffrey Broobin
While signing a prenuptial agreement can be one of the all-time romantic turnoffs, for people heading into their second marriage, a prenuptial agreement can give the trade-off of a better relationship through the security of financial and life planning.
Author: Shoshanna Katzman
The Chinese have studied ways of creating and maintaining health & longevity for thousands of years. One of “the jewels” coming out of this quest for everlasting youth is the gentle, life enhancing exercise practice of Qigong (pronounced chee-GUNG). Commonly known as “Chinese Yoga” and “Feng Shui for the body,” Qigong is an ancient form of Chinese medicine exercise that “retards the aging process” by cultivating and strengthening the vital energy (Qi) in the body. As a gentle, easy to perform life-enhancing exercise, it provides the ability to self-create medicine naturally within the body.
Put Age on Hold
Author: Joan C. Borgatti
I’m convinced that you are only as old as you think you are. At least that’s what I’m counting on.
Powerfully Recovered! How Can She Say That!
Author: Anne Wayman
The idea that one can become powerfully recovered in Alcoholics Anonymous or other 12 Step group often raises eyebrows, and even ire. After all, some argue, the First Step says we're powerless, and everyone knows alcoholism is an incurable disease. Surely that must mean we are perpetually powerless and involved in never-ending recovery.
Poisonous Chemicals In Skin Care Products
Author: Marcus Maldonado
Each and every day millions of Americans are unknowingly exposing themselves to dangerous, toxic chemicals. Some of these chemicals are absolutely, without a doubt known to be cancer causing. While other chemicals are not linked to cancer, they have been shown to contribute to hormonal disruptions, headaches, allergies, depression, chronic fatigue, learning disabilities, hyperactivity, and irritability. You are very likely a victim of this dilemma and have been so since childhood.
Physician, Heal Thyself
Author: Leigh Melander
Through words, through music, and pretty much any tool I can conjure up, I try to incite people to reach towards what they want in their lives, inviting them to relax into their own dreams and happiness. And I try to do that in my own life as well, both because I want to live that way and because I believe in the power of teaching by example.
Perfection Obsession
Author: Karielle Samstad
There is a phenomenon going on and it is alarming: addiction to surgery, to plastic surgery.
Passion: The Fuel for Movers and Shakers!
Author: Sheila Adams
The essential conditions of everything you do must be choice, love, passion. --Nadia Boulanger
Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
Author: Dana Bristol-Smith
Knocking knees, butterflies (who came up with that word?) in your stomach, sweaty palms, quavering voice. We’ve all been there – some of us more than others. I’m going to share with you some of the tricks of the trade to help manage and reduce your anxiety before and during your presentation. These methods are tried and true and have helped many presenters.
Organize Your Spring Planting
Author: Paula Eichermuller
Spring is finally here. This means we can go to the nurseries and buy all of the beautiful flowers we want. Right? Well you might want to take the time to plan your garden this year, before making costly some mistakes. I have listed here for you a few things you might want to consider before making any purchases.
Organize your childs room
Author: Paula Eichermuller
Are you constantly tripping over books, clothes, and toys in your childs room? When you ask them to clean their room, does everything get shoved under the bed? If the answer is yes then it is time to attack the clutter and get their room in order.
oman's World Magazine's Describes In-Home Body Wrap Recipe
Author: Danielle Sims
n a recent Woman's World Magazine entitled "Hollywood's hot new FAT-MELTING BODY WRAP! Try it at home!", three natural ingredients to create a simple in-home body wrap were listed. The articled explained that you can do your own Spa body wrap in the comfort of your own home inexpensively.
Not Making A Choice Is A Choice
Author: Coach Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, MS, PCC, CTC
Not making a choice is a choice. Letting things happen by default is a choice. If we choose to give up our right to make a choice - we have made a choice. We always have choices, even if we do not like the ones available. Not liking a choice does not mean we do not have a choice. We are constantly presented with choices. Every day we make hundreds of them, some small, some large, and some life changing. Each choice that we make shapes our lives and determines what other choices will be available to us.
No More Barbie Doll Image
Author: Kathy Roberts
Personally speaking, I feel that regardless of size, it’s all in how you feel about yourself and how you carry self. Self love and self image have a lot to do with how others view you. I am a confident person, therefore I may not recognize what others would feel is discrimination based on my “look?
No Just Means The Next Opportunity
Author: Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
I am always thankful when someone tells me, "No." I have learned not to take it personally. The word "No" doesn't mean anything about me. What it means is I need to find the next opportunity and find someone who does want my services. The answer "No" frees me to move on and look for the "Yes."
New Hope to Prevent Breast Cancer: What Every Woman Needs to Know
Author: David L. Kern
In March, 2005, a major nutritional breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer was announced by U.S. scientists. This new information is absolutely critical for every woman looking for a natural way to reduce breast cancer risk.
New Hope for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Sufferers
Author: Deb Bromley
There are many theories with regard to the causes of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, many of which may be indeed touching on the truth or at least touching on an aggravator or contributor to these afflictions. Diseases in general have been growing in epidemic proportion over at least the past 20 years, especially in the United States, where our increasingly toxic environment and lifestyles have drifted further and further away from what is natural in the name of progress, technology, and profit. Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are no exception, the two often being experienced together, and possibly symptoms of the same disease. Many agree that having one or both of these conditions reflects a compromised immune system, but whether this has resulted from viruses or chemicals or heredity or DNA mutations or other causes is much debated. As in the question of the chicken or the egg, I think the answer lies in what came first, at least in terms of triggering the disease.
Nature's Natural Solution
Author: Dr. Teresa Roberson
Excerpt from her book: What's a Woman To Do Now? - A New Hormone Revolution
Natural Remedies for Problems in Breastfeeding - Pt 2
Author: Susun S Weed
With the resurgence of interest in breastfeeding, there is increasing demand for natural remedies for the minor problems that accompany nursing. These remedies, taken from my book Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year, offer simple, safe ways for nursing women and their infants to counter problems and stay healthy. This information has been collected from wise women, old wives, and granny midwives. May you benefit from their wisdom.
Mystery Shopping Exposed: The Other Side of the Hype
Author: Cynthia Alexander
You've seen the ads touting how you can make a part time or even a full time income doing “mystery or secret shopping.” Some say you can make between – an hour or more. That is technically true. But it’s stretching the truth a bit. There's another side of the story that most
Mum’s The Word – What Your Mother Would Rather Not Tell You
Author: Dawn M. Olsen
Copyright © 2005 Dawn M. Olsen. All Rights reserved
Multilevel Marketing--A Business Revolution Is On Its Way
Author: Usa Johnson
No business model in history has been the victim of as much inaccurate, misleading, and incomplete coverage as multilevel marketing. And little wonder: Multilevel marketing (MLM) is a radically different way of doing business from what you'll find in companies located on Main Street, USA.
Author: Carna Zacharias-Miller
We all want to be happy. However, if a woman pushes herself to emotional and mental exhaustion in order to reach “perfect” happiness, she could suffer from a condition she probably has never heard of: Missing Mother Syndrome.
More than "Just Mom"
Author: Samantha Olea, http://thebestmoms.com
As mothers, we spend most of our time if not all of our time taking care of everyone. Our children need us; our husbands still need a wife and don’t forget about the house! On top of all of that, many of us work inside or outside of the home with careers that also demand 100%. In all of this is it easy to lose yourself.
Mobbing in the Workplace: Has This Happened to You?
Author: Susan Dunn
Mobbing in the workplace has long been studied in Europe. Just look it up on a search engine. Described in "Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace", published by Davenport, Elliott, and Schwartz in 1999, mobbing is about collective assault in the corner office, in cubbies, on the assembly line, or in the board room.
Mindfulness and Housework: Vacuum This
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
As a guest on a local television show recently, I decided to bring along my vacuum cleaner.
Menopause Management
Author: Dr. Kathleen C. Quinn, CEO Discovery Integrative Healthcare Centers
As little as fifty years ago, this title would have been useless. Nobody needed menopause management! The "why" is crucial for today's women to understand.
Masculine and Feminine Energies
Author: Jeanie Marshall
"The brighter the sun, the darker the shadow." -Attributed to C. G. Jung
Mammograms - Who Needs Them?
Author: Susun Weed
Perhaps no aspect of breast cancer is more widely publicized than screening mammography. Ads on television, in magazines, and in the daily paper urge women to deal with fear about breast cancer by having a yearly mammogram. We’re even told that doing this is a way to “really care for yourself.”
Author: Gerry M. Kaye
Politically and personally, in a democracy where people can enjoy freedom in their own responsible choices that have consequences that shape their lives, the all important issue is knowledge. Before making important choices that are personal and in our elections, it is vital for individual and societal well being that all of the relevant, truthful facts be weighed and understood.
Natural remedies for perimenopause and menopause symptoms
Author: Lynn Donn
Natural remedies for perimenopause and menopause symptoms.
Love Can Be Fierce
Author: David Deida
Truth: As you grow spiritually, first you become neutralized and then you bloom sexually.
Life Strategies from Mister Rogers We Can Still Use as Adults
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
Knowing how you feel, having personal power, managing anger, being creative, focusing on your strengths and having Intentionality - these are all emotional intelligence competencies.
Life and Work: Balancing or Juggling?
Author: Sheila Adams
I value the concept of balance in life. But what we value and believe we do is often different than what we actually do. Instead of balancing the many commitments and interests in my life, I have found that I'm actually a juggler, always hoping I don't drop anything.
Let's Celebrate National Women's History Month!
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
March is National Women's History Month and this year's theme is "Women Pioneering the Future".
Learn to Love Your Body
Author: Susie Michelle Cortright
Twenty-four percent of women and 17 percent of men say they would give up more than three years of life to be thinner. That’s according to a poll conducted by Psychology Today magazine.
Learn to Love Your Body
Author: Susie Michelle Cortright
Twenty-four percent of women and 17 percent of men say they would give up more than three years of life to be thinner. That’s according to a poll conducted by Psychology Today magazine.
Learn the Secrets How 'Hidden Keys' Unlock Life's Riches
Author: B Peet
Discover how you can improve your own personal development, money, career, job, health, lifestyle and relationships. For the first time ever I have produced a programme which will quickly and effortlessly guide you through 'Secret Techniques' that will bring you riches. Using certain techniques you will start to attract opportunities from areas that you never knew existed.
Lasting Weight Loss: No Discipline Required
Author: Carol Solomon, Ph.D.
"I'd love to lose weight, but I don't have the discipline."
Lasting Emotional Freedom Is Now At Your Fingertips
Author: Linda J. Wells
New discoveries now allow rapid freedom from the effects of trauma, anger, fears, phobias, depression, anxiety, stress and other emotional issues. Unwanted emotional pain from rape, accidents and war are often eliminated in one session, sometimes in a matter of minutes. While the process is not perfect, it often works where everything else fails.
Juggling Home/Career/Children in a Foreign Land
Author: Judith Isaacson
When we moved 6000 miles away from our families 22 years ago, I certainly never imagined I would be working in the business my grandfather established way back when.
It's Absolutely, Positively Not About Food (sm)
Author: Jane E. Latimer, M.A.
You’re reading this article because you think you have a food or weight problem, right? And what if I told you, you’re wrong. Moreover, no matter how hard you try to fix the problem by dieting, you end up failing. Why? Because you haven’t fixed the real problem.
It's Absolutely, Positively Not About Food (sm)
Author: Jane E. Latimer, M.A.
You’re reading this article because you think you have a food or weight problem, right? And what if I told you, you’re wrong. Moreover, no matter how hard you try to fix the problem by dieting, you end up failing. Why? Because you haven’t fixed the real problem.
Is your partner having an affair?
Author: Mars Venus
Is your partner having an affair?
Is The Heat On? Maybe You’re Having A Hot Flash!
Author: Dr. Rita Louise
Hot flashes are characterized by a sudden feeling of heat often accompanied with a reddening of the face and profuse sweating. For some, it is as mild as a brief warm flushing of the face and skin. For others, it is experienced as an intense heat on the face and upper body with intense sweating. Sometimes hot flashes are also accompanied by an increased heart rate, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, weakness or a feel of suffocation.
Is neediness ruining your love life?
Author: Mars Venus
Is neediness ruining your love life?
Investigating the False Intimacy of Online Dating
Author: Mars Venus
Investigating the False Intimacy of Online Dating
Independence Day: A Woman's Issue
Author: Jacqueline McLaughlin Hale
In reflecting upon our country's Independence Day it occurred to me that we could all probably use our own, personal Independence Day. Not an Independence Day from our countries, our politics or our economics. One that has more to do with our independence from the roles we play every day for everyone else. An Independence Day from the expectations of others.
In Search of the Feminine Archetype
Author: Dr. Asoka Selvarajah
I often wonder what the world would be like if women were in charge of it instead of men. It would definitely be an altogether different place. Moreover, it's hard to escape the sneaking suspicion that it would probably be a far better place too.
Impossible Thoughts About First-time Motherhood
Author: Sherwood Fleming
How could changing how you think enrich your experience of first-time motherhood, expand your possibilities for action and contribute to your newborn now and in the future? While it’s clear how a motherhood book could give you all sorts of helpful tips dealing with the logistics of baby care, the book I’m reviewing may not seem at first glance like an obvious choice in the first year of first-time motherhood: The Power of Impossible Thinking: Transform the Business of Your Life and the Life of Your Business by Jerry Wind and Colin Crook.