No More Barbie Doll Image
Author: Kathy Roberts
Personally speaking, I feel that regardless of size, it’s all in how you feel about yourself and how you carry self. Self love and self image have a lot to do with how others view you. I am a confident person, therefore I may not recognize what others would feel is discrimination based on my “look?
I wanted to add that while the standard may still revolve around the Barbie-doll image, I think that the general public’s perception has evolved over the years. There was a time when a muscular woman was totally unacceptable. It seems that now, the general public is more excepting and rather curious in a positive way. The role of women in society has changed, both in the business world and leisure world. After the 1996 Summer Olympics, where the American women dominated so many sports (i.e., basketball, soccer, and softball), doors have been opened. It has paved the way for women in sports and helped to change to image of an athletic women. I do think that some women get too hard or too masculine looking and they are still not looked upon positively, even among their female peers. Society as a whole has taken great strides to improve life, via a healthy lifestyle. I feel that being too thin is now the “no, no? There are models and actresses who are too thin, and the public d! oesn’t look too positively on that anymore. A little muscle, a good healthy, fit, body is becoming the norm.
I’d like to share my thoughts on being more muscular and strong and how it has effected my life with men, my family and the general public. Let’s put it this way, if a man isn’t confident enough and they are intimated by my size and strength, then he doesn’t have any confidence in himself. Yes, I do find that quite a bit. I do have to say that my size and strength in general often fascinate people. Most people do look twice, but in most cases, it is an approving or curious glance. Many men seem to have these strange fantasies about a big strong woman. One guy said to me that in society people think most men want a little thin women, but in all reality, men love a muscular or strong woman. As for my family, they are behind me 100%. They have always supported me in all my endeavors.
I have never doubted my pursuits and goals because they did not fit into the traditional “ladylike?mentality. I’m a path maker. I set the standards. I am definitely not comfortable with the “norm? I am a successful individual because I have worked hard for everything that I have achieved. Nothing was given to me. I feel that I can appreciate things even more because of where I come from. I must add that I look very good in my dress clothes, not big and bulky. The only time I wear pants is when I work out at the gym. I do have a “lady like?appearance, but it’s me, not traditional. When I speak to the students at schools across America, I start my lecture, dressed professionally. Most kids look at the weights and then at me and question my abilities. For example, there was a young boy who saw me dressed up. I guess he thought I was a teacher. As he walked past me, he looked at the weights and asked me who was going to lift that weight. I told him that it would be me. He l! ooked me up and down from head to toe and said, “Yeah, right!? I think this kid was in the fourth grade. Then I went to change into my workout clothes for the demonstration. After my demonstration as the kids were going back to class the boy stopped and said that he was sorry. I told him that it was okay because I knew that the kid learned something that day. I have gotten a lot of compliments about how well I look in dress clothes.
Most people have grappled with the body image concerns just because society has deemed it the norm. Once again, I am very confident with my body. It seems like I’m the opposite of most women. While most women are trying to loose weight, I’m trying to gain it. I have a very high metabolism; I can burn weight in a very short period of time. I am very comfortable with my size and don’t mind gaining weight as long as it’s muscle. I think it’s a mindset. Some people are genetically predetermined to be the size and shape that they are. I think this is true to a certain extent. Hard work and lots of determination and the proper diet can assist in getting the results that you are training to attain.
I would like to share some advice with women regarding this issue. I say be confident in who you are. Except yourself for who you are. Love yourself. Most importantly, take care of yourself. Health is everything. Without health you can’t do anything. Basically, you’re only given one body, one life, so you must make the best of it. Look out for you and not the rest of the world. Be happy with your body and don’t try to please your peers or the world. The bottom line is if you feel good about yourself, others will feel good about you also.
I can be reached through email at robertskv@aol.com. Please take a moment a visit my web site at www.GIFTOFSTRENGTH.com. My site contains many positive features, including my “Great Links?section. There is something for everyone. Check it out.
Copyright 2000 Kathy Roberts
Kathy Robert, lifetime drugfree world champion powerlifter continues to bring fire to the powerlifting platform as well as classrooms across the nation. Kathy has been lifting competitively in the sport of powerlifting for over eight years. During that time, Kathy has competed in four different weight classes and set records in each class, all in the lifetime drug free division. Kathy trains hard and stays focused as she builds her body, making time to rest and eat probably as she builds mass and increases in strength. She is motivating to watch and a credit to her sport and women athletes every where. When she is not training, competing, or working full-time, Kathy speaks to youth, sharing her riveting message about steroids, other drugs, and alcohol and their dangers. She shares her explosive personality and leaves the kids excited and challenged with every visit. Kathy maintains "GiftofStrength.com" where she carries over her exciting and informative personality. Kath! y's site highlights her powerlifting career as well as her motivational speaking credits. This site is interesting in content and she has been able to share her knowledge and versatility with audiences of people from all walks of life. Her most notable links page is the “Just for Kids?links. On this page Kathy provides educational and informational links, places to get homework help, research a paper, or have fun with games and challenges. She features health, fitness, and boxing links. She lists various drug-free, tobacco-free, and alcohol-free agencies and organizations. Kathy features musical artists, interesting publications and various other artists. Visit her "Great Links" page, which can be accessed from her front page. Learn more about Kathy, learn more about life, train hard, and live life to it's fullest. Experience the true "GiftofStrength". URL: http://www.giftofstrength.com/ EMAIL: robertskv@aol.com