You Can Change
Author: Adam Khan
Stanley Schachter was puzzled. A researcher at Columbia University, Schachter was well versed on the studies of weight-loss and smoking-cessation programs. According to the research, only 10 to 30 percent of the people who participate in those programs are still slender or nonsmoking one year later. Ten to 30 percent. That ain't much.
What is Anger Management?
Author: George Anderson, MSW, LCSW, BCD
Incidents involving Ron Attest, Jose Guillen and Milton Bradley as well as college athletes have thrust anger management into the news on an almost daily basis. Many questions are being asked about the effectiveness of anger management. Questions are also being asked about the training, experience and legitimacy of anger management providers.
What Are You Doing In Front Of Your Children?
Author: Jan Tincher
Kids mimic their parents, even if they don't understand what is going on. What are you doing in front of your children?
Those Deceiving Emotions
Author: Ellen Warloff
Deceiving? You bet they are. How? Without your even knowing it, the effects of anger, frustration, and resentment can take a toll on your life. Chances are, it's happening right now. But most people are not - no, correction, do not want to be intuitive enough to figure out what's going on. The reason? It takes a certain amount of self study - it may sound a bit ludicrous, but the truth is the vast majority of people don't want to take a good hard look at theire inner selves. It's unfortunate, too, because the reward for doing so are fantastic, it's inexplainable. There is nothing like self honesty - when you really decide to know the real you, you've taken a serious step. After the decision must come action.
The “Right Woman or Man Theory”--The “I Need to Be Right” Way of Thinking
Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D.
One of life’s biggest set ups for being lonely is living with the erroneous belief that your way is the only way. Some people seem to have taken a life course called, How To Be Absolutely Sure of Everything! It’s like their reality testing mechanism is stuck on “It so because I think it is so.” People who feel constantly threatened and angry when others question their actions substitute being right for living a happy life.
The Purpose of Conflict
Author: Phil Walmsley
In the dictionary conflict is defined as a struggle, a battle. Mutual antagonism. Some people seem to thrive on creating conflict while others will do their best to avoid conflict. I have often pondered what it would be like in the world if everybody could just get along without all the nonsense of conflict. In order that everyone get along in the world everyone would have to be a clone of yourself.
Solution-focused Anger Management for Men: Using Sports to Learn New Skills
Author: Tom Letson, MA, LPC
"Football is like life. It requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority. - Vince Lombardi, former NFL Coach
Prevention of Workplace Violence
Author: Robert A. Evans, Ph.D.
Robert A. Evans, Ph.D.
Author: Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.
“Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an Easy Button for life?” This question is the tag line to a TV commercial by the office supplies store, Staples.
Author: Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.
Leggo Your Ego and You’ll Be Happy You Did!
Author: Dr. David Thomas
Have you ever found times where you want to express yourself freely, but something inside just stops you? I know I have. Or how about this: someone else is freely expressing themselves on a subject but you cut them off? Or, just the opposite, how many times have you sat back not liking what was going on around you, wanting to say something, but just too nervous to do or say something?
Is it time to change your life?
Author: Lisa Miller
Getting the tools to help you wake up to a happier, more fulfilling life is so important these days, especially since we live such fast-paced, over stressed lives. I would like to describe tools that are easy to use and produce immediate results that help you resolve everyday problems with practical solutions.
Is it time to change your life?
Author: Lisa Miller
Getting the tools to help you wake up to a happier, more fulfilling life is so important these days, especially since we live such fast-paced, over stressed lives. I would like to describe tools that are easy to use and produce immediate results that help you resolve everyday problems with practical solutions.
[Anger Management] Is it finally time to forgive?
Author: Charlie Badenhop
In order to free ourselves from the pain of anger and resentment we need to be able to forgive our self and others. The longer we dwell on hurtful situations from the past, the longer we keep our self from living fully in the present. Forgiveness is an act of kindness. An act of kindness to your self, as it leads to a sense of personal freedom.
In A Moment of Anger
Author: Dr Tim Ong
Being able to manage our emotion well is crucial to our health as well as our ability to foster healthy relationships with others, particularly our loved ones.
Getting Angry?
Author: Venkatesan G.V.
From Anger Management to Anger Transformation
Author: Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych
"I am very angry. God knows that I try, but I can't help it - I have every reason to be mad." If this sentiment sounds familiar, it is because all of us have experienced similar inner struggles with respect to anger.
From Anger Management to Anger Transformation
Author: Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych
"I am very angry. God knows that I try, but I can't help it - I have every reason to be mad." If this sentiment sounds familiar, it is because all of us have experienced similar inner struggles with respect to anger.
Energetic Solutions To Conflict, Aggression, and Violence In the Workplace
Author: Robert A. Evans, Ph.D.
Robert A. Evans, Ph.D.
Energetic Solutions To Conflict, Aggression, and Violence In the Workplace
Author: Robert A. Evans, Ph.D.
Robert A. Evans, Ph.D.
Eight simple anger management tips
Author: David Leonhardt
"The other night I ate at a real family restaurant. Every table had an argument going."
Do you know WHAT MAKES ME MAD?? It makes me SO MAD I just want to...
Author: Dr. David Thomas
Do you know WHAT MAKES ME MAD?? It makes me SO MAD I just want to...
Dealing with Inner Anger: An Exercise in Letting it Go
Author: Dr. Deborah C. Moore
Anger is just one of many emotions that individuals experience. Anger is also an emotion that many try to deny. “I am not mad at him,” This type of thing happens all the time.” “It’s really not her fault.” “It’s not that big of a problem.” These statements are just some of soothing phases that we say when we do not want to deal directly with our emotional anger. Denial is a powerful defense that we use to try to hide anger. When we acknowledge that we are angry with someone it brings out other feelings such as pain, hurt, mistrust, and hopelessness, and sometimes guilt. In our society, we are told that it is unacceptable to be anger, or to even display anger. Hearing this message, we revert our anger to other unacceptable ways. Road rage, arguing with your significant other, being rebellious at school or work, yelling at the cashier for ringing up customers too slowly, are ways in which our inner anger is displaced at vulnerable targets. Learning how to appropriately release and control anger is crucial. If u
Controlling our Anger Before it Controls Us
Author: Dr. Ida Greene
The emotion of anger has many purposes, some of which can serve us well. Anger can be used by others to confuse or control you. In conflict resolution anger is a useful emotion when used to support yourself against attack by others. Anger takes away your energy, because it charges you emotionally, even when used constructively. Because of its potential to hurt or destroy one's self-confidence, anger must be under your control. It can be likened to an atomic bomb when uncontrolled.
Coming to terms with anger
Author: Charlie Badenhop
1. Experience
Breaking the War habit
Author: Lalia Robinson Wilson
It seems that War is inevitable, and the skies certainly reflect the difficult times. Astrologers and others are taking bets as to when the war will start… But let us back up a bit and examine why we have wars and how to prevent them.
[Anger Management] Are you able to say both 'Yes!' and 'No!'?
Author: Charlie Badenhop
1. Experience
Are You a "Right-Fighter"?
Author: Dr. Shawn Byler
Do you find yourself struggling to "win" arguments? Do people ask you why you always have to be right? Does conflict you engage in typically end with you having the last word, but no one feels good about the argument? Do arguments you engage in usually escalate to shouting and anger? If you have said yes to any of these questions, you are likely a right-fighter!
Anger Management Practice: The gift of forgiveness
Author: Charlie Badenhop
This anger management Practice draws on the dual wisdom of Aikido and scientific research, "The gift of forgiveness" will help you explore how to change long term anger into a wider range of life affirming emotions. It is a simple yet profound Practice following the Seishindo principles of Absorption, Utilization, and Balance.
Anger Management Home Study Programs
Author: Ari Novick, M.A.
It might be difficult to attend a weekly anger management class due to a busy work schedule or personal life. One option is to take a comprehensive home study course in anger management. Home study anger management programs can offer some of the same benefits as their weekly counterpart without the time commitment and inconvenience coming to weekly classes. The AJ Novick Group recently produced two high quality instructional and educational anger management home study programs. These programs are suitable for most court referrals, couples, individuals, and adolescents as well as business professionals or law enforcement personnel.
Anger Management Classes
Author: Ari Novick, M.A.
Anger is one emotion we all have. For some of us anger is the primary way we express our needs when we get upset. What is interesting about anger is that it is usually a response to some other emotion we are having. Really give it some thought. Think about the last time you were really upset. Were you upset because someone hurt your feelings? Perhaps it was because you felt blamed or were minimized? Anger is usually a secondary response on the "emotional food chain". There is usually some other emotion that precedes it. Learning to understand our true feelings that get masked by anger is the first way to understand how we can express our anger more effectively.
Anger and the American Family: 3 Steps to Diffuse Family Anger by Changing Your Inner Conversations
Author: Dr. Tony Fiore
Case #1: Jeanette and Tom had been married 15 years. Wanting
Anger and Stress Management Classes
Author: Ari Novick
Anger is one emotion we all have. For some of us anger is the primary way we express our needs when we get upset. What is interesting about anger is that it is usually a response to some other emotion we are having. Really give it some thought. Think about the last time you were really upset. Were you upset because someone hurt your feelings? Perhaps it was because you felt blamed or were minimized? Anger is usually a secondary response on the "emotional food chain". There is usually some other emotion that precedes it. Learning to understand our true feelings that get masked by anger is the first way to understand how we can express our anger more effectively.
Anger and Addiction
Author: Shannon Munford M.A.
As a result of my father’s infidelity and alcohol abuse, my parents divorced when I was 8. When my dad left I felt as if my heart had torn. I thought I could will my parents back together, but eventually every emotional tie I shared with my father from the crib to the playground slowly snapped. I did not see him leaving my mom. I saw him leaving me.
Anger- A key to success
Author: veepandi
Next time you get angry, be happy that you have a wonderful key to success.
An Enlightened Public Discovers Anger Management
Author: George Anderson, BCD
An Enlightened Public Discovers Anger Management
4 Steps to Teaching Your Family to Treat You Better -
Author: Dr. Tony Fiore
4 Steps to Teaching Your Family to Treat You Better
4 Steps to Assertive Communication -
Author: Dr. Tony Fiore
“Dr. Fiore,” my 42 year old married patient (Mary) began, “once again my family expects me to host Christmas dinner and I am simply too exhausted; what should I do?”
10 Benefits of Having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Author: ADD Management Coach Jennifer Koretsky
There is a common misconception in the world that having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a bad thing. While the ADD-wired brain certainly presents some challenges, it also offers some incredible benefits. The following is a list of characteristics that I consistently see in my clients, friends, and colleagues with ADD.